Mrs. Chrissy Biggs » Contact Information

Contact Information

I believe having communication with parents and students is essential to success, especially during virtual learning. Below are multiple ways to communicate with me. If your student will complete virtual learning with another caregiver, please share this information with them as well. 
Virtual Office Hours:
7:30 am - 9:00 am
11:00 am - 3:30 pm
During live google meet sessions (9:00 am-11:00 am), I will not be available for contact due to being live communicating with students in the lesson by video. If you need after-hours communication (after 3:30), please let me know ahead of time. After-hours communication or help might not be available or limited, if not scheduled. I will always return any after-hours missed communication the following morning at 8 am unless the parent requests a different time. 
Work phone: (252) 796-3881 ext. 520 
ClassDojo: Please click here to join, if you have not already. I post a lot of information on Class Dojo, sometimes daily.