Weekly Announcements 8/28/23-9/1/23
This is your proud principal, Mary Bridgers, with our weekly announcements. We are super excited to welcome students back to school tomorrow, Monday, August 28th. We also want to thank our families for an amazing Open House. It was great to have our families in the building and to feel all of the positive energy as we begin the 23-24 school year!
If you were unable to attend Open House, your child will bring home all of the information tomorrow afternoon. We ask that all necessary beginning of year paperwork be returned to your child’s teacher no later than Wednesday, August 30th.
Some important notes for the 23-24 school year:
-Parents are invited to walk their child(ren) inside each day. If you wish to walk your child to class, please enter through the main entrance of the building to sign in.
However, we do ask that you exit the building at 8:05 so instruction may begin. If your child arrives late, you will not be able to walk them to class.
-Parents should remain in their car during dismissal time.
-Any adult picking up a child in the car rider line must have a placard to do so. If you need car placards, please complete the form so you can receive them.
We all know that the first day of school is the busiest, especially during arrival and dismissal, so we appreciate your patience as safety is our first priority:) We look forward to a great year and seeing all of the smiling faces tomorrow morning!